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Set to Intercept is a Hard Mission, available in the postgame Map Shop for 11000 DCT at R&D Lvl 23.

Set to Intercept

Grade ★★★★★
Number of units 9
CP Start 9 (+3), 9 (+3) per turn
SP 2
Turns for S rank 5
Objectives All enemy defeateed
Failure conditions Base Camp occupied
Morale 0
All units defeated
7 turns pass
Enemy ace(s) Scout3-insignia Oswald the Cripple
Ace Location Areas 3/4


General Strategy: Starting in Area 4 will make Area 2 easier to capture. The rotation is 4->2->3->5->4. Deploy a unit in each area to get vision.

Phase 1

  1. Send a Scout in Area 4 to flag 2, kill the defender, capture, and defend.
  2. Send a Trooper to Flag 4 in Area 2, kill the defending trooper, defend.
  3. Deploy a Lancer in Flag 4, Area 2, kill the bunker, move along the northernmost edge to the rear of the other bunker.
  4. Using the same unit, kill the other bunker, head back toward Flag 4.
  5. In Area 2, deploy a sniper in the middle flag. Kill the enemy defending flag 3, head south.
  6. Using the same sniper, kill the defender on the bottom flag, continue heading south.
  7. Using the same sniper, kill the enemy defender in the left or right side, capture the flag, withdraw.
  8. Send a unit in Area 2 to capture flag 3, withdraw. Withdraw your unit in Area 5 as well.
  9. Send a trooper in Flag 2, Area 3 to kill the defender, withdraw.
  10. Deploy a sniper in Area 3 middle flag, go up the ladder and kill the enemy Armored Hunter, go back down and withdraw.
  11. Deploy another sniper to kill anymore infantry in Area 3 southern region, withdraw.
  12. Deploy a lancer from Flag 2 in Area 3, head upstairs and kill the enemy tank's radiator, go back down and withdraw.

Phase 2

  1. Use a Scout Elite to press A in Area 3, go up the ladder and down the ladder to the north. Aim at the enemy defender on button B to make them face east. Head north behind the western path.
  2. Use another Scout Elite in Area 3 from the middle flag, go up the ladder to button B and kill the Armored Hunter that is facing east. Press button B, go back downstairs toward the north.
  3. Using your first Scout Elite, go around the bunker in the north and into the flag, throw a grenade onto the Armored Hunter that is there to damage it.
  4. Using your second Scout Elite, head downstairs and crouch before the bunker, shoot at the head of the Armored Hunter to damage it.
  5. Using your fist Scout Elite, shoot at the head of the Armored Hunter and kill, capture the flag and withdraw.
  6. Redeploy a trooper from Area 2 to kill the enemy Armored Hunter from the rear in Area 5, defend.
  7. Redeploy another trooper from Area 2 to kill the enemy on Flag 3 in area 5, defend.
  8. Deploy a Lancer in Area 5 to kill the enemy tank at Flag 3, withdraw.
  9. Deploy a sniper from the middle of Area 5 to kill the enemy Ace.
  10. Using the same sniper kill the defender on Area 5's base, withdraw.
  11. CP Saved for next turn
  12. CP Saved for next turn

Phase 3

  1. Use Valkyria in Area 5 and capture flag 4. Withdraw.
  2. Redeploy your troopers from Flag 3 to Flag 4 in Area 5, kill the enemy infantry.
  3. Same as above.
  4. Deploy a lancer in Area 5, Flag 4 to kill the enemy tank, withdraw.
  5. Deploy a sniper to kill off any remaining unis in Area 5. SAVE.
  6. Redeploy a trooper to area 4, Flag 5, and kill the Armored Hunter on the point, defend.
  7. Deploy a lancer in area 4 to kill the enemy tank, withdraw.
  8. Deploy a sniper or trooper in area 4 to kill enemy armored hunters from the rear. Withdraw.
  9. Same as above.
  10. Same as above.
  11. In Area 2, deploy a lancer at the southern flag and destroy the enemy tank, withdraw.
  12. In Area 3, deploy a fresh lancer at flag 5 and go around and destroy the enemy bunker.
  13. Force withdraw some unit
  14. Same as above

Phase 4

  1. Finish off the enemy in the center courtyard in Area 4. You have 1 SP you can use.


Base Reward Enemy Ace Reward
EXP 20,600 Ace Drop 1 BS002
DCT 146,600 Ace Drop 2 ZM2KarRg
Rank Rewards
S Rank EXP 41,200 S Rank DCT 293,200
A Rank EXP 28,840 A Rank DCT 205,240
B Rank EXP 20,600 B Rank DCT 146,600
C Rank EXP - C Rank DCT -
Additional Rewards
EXP for Leaders 1,648×N DCT for Leaders 11,728×N
EXP for Aces 10,300 DCT for Aces 73,300
EXP for Tanks 2,060×N DCT for Tanks 14,660×N
EXP for Key Targets 12,360×N DCT for Key Targets 87,960×N
v  e
Valkyria Chronicles 3 Mission List
Main Storyline Chapters
Ch. 1: 1a 1b 1c | Ch. 2: 2a 2b 2c 2d | 3a 3b 3c 3d | 4a 4b 4c | 5a 5b 5c

6a 6b 6c | 7a 7b 7c | 8a 8b 8c | 9a 9b 9c | 10a 10b 10c
11a 11b 11c | 12a 12b 12c | 13a 13b 13c | 14a 14b 14c | 15a 15b 15c
16a 16b | 17a 17b 17c | 18a 18b 18c | 19a 19b 19c | 20a 20b

2a 2b | 3a | 4a | 5a 5b | 6a | 7a | 8a | 9a 9b | 10a | 11a | 12a | 13a | 14a | 15a 15b | 16a | 17a | 18a | 19a | 20a |
Free (Postgame)
1a | 5a | 8a | 12a | 16a | 18a
Fragments Character Episodes
Ada & Cedric | Alfons | Amy & Deit | Annika | Carisa | Clarissa | Elliot | Felix | Frederica | Gisele
Giulio | Gloria | Gusurg | Ilmari | Imca | Kurt | Leila | Margit | Riela | Serge | Shin | Valerie | Zahar
Character Episodes (Postgame)
Avan, Zeri & Cosette | Leon & Juliana | Baldren, Audrey & Hubert | Squad 7 | Nameless | Kurt & Imca | Gusurg
Hard Missions 1
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Hard Missions 2
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
DLC Downloadable Content
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7a 7b 7c 7d | 8 | 9 | 10a 10b
Extra Missions
No grade: Extra 1 | Extra 2 | Extra 3 | Extra 4 | Extra 5 | Extra 6 | Extra 7 | Extra 8 | Extra 9

: Extra 1
★★★★: Extra 1 | Extra 2 | Extra 3 | Extra 4 | Extra 5 | Extra 6
★★★★★: Extra 1 | Extra 2 | Extra 3 | Extra 4 | Extra 5 | Extra 6
