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OP: Engineer Convoy
Grade ★★★★★
Terrain Mountain
Number of units 8 + 1 Vehicle
CP Start 9 (+3), 9 (+3) per turn
SP 2
Turns for S rank 6
Objectives Escort APC to Objective
Failure conditions Base Camp occupied
Morale 0
All units defeated
8 turns pass
APC Destroyed
Enemy ace(s) Taba the Beast

OP: Engineer Convoy is a Hard Mission, available in the postgame Map Shop for 9000 DCT at R&D Lvl 23.


Deploy your leaders in Area 4 and 3 (Scout Elite with Regen), deploy a lancer in Area 3.

Phase 1

  1. Move your Scout Elite in Area 3 to the flag. Run past any Armored Hunters.
  2. Move your Scout Elite in Area 3 to the flag, kill any defenders
  3. Move your Scout Elite in Area 3 to the flag, kill any defenders, capture, crouch.
  4. In Area 2, deploy Imca from Flag 3 with Open Fire, move out and destroy the enemy tank, 2 turrets, and infantry (need to aim well). Proceed to flag 4, taking care to not step on a mine and having your Fencer shield blocking the enemy Armored Hunter attack.
  5. Using Imca, hit the enemy Armored Hunter.
  6. Using Imca, kill the enemy Armored Hunter, capture, and withdraw.
  7. In Area 2 flag 3, deploy a Lancer and kill the enemy bunker on the left, withdraw.
  8. In Area 2, deploy a Scout Elite and capture the western flag, killing any defender, withdraw
  9. In Area 2, deploy a Scout Elite and capture flag 1, withdraw.
  10. In Area 1, redeploy a trooper to Flag 2 from your base camp, kill the Armored Hunter guarding it, and defend the flag.
  11. In Area 4, deploy a scout or engineer to capture the northeastern flag, kill any sniper or defender on your way.
  12. In Area 4, deploy a trooper or sniper to flag 2 and kill any nearby enemies, withdraw.

Phase 2

  1. In Area 1, deploy a Lancer (Margit with +AP) and destroy the bunker in front of you with the radiator. Move toward the center.
  2. In Area 1, using the lancer, destroy the middle bunker's by taking the shortest path and moving behind to destroy the radiator. Move around toward the tank.
  3. In Area 1, using the lancer, move toward the rear of the tank, kill a nearby infantry with your lancer.
  4. In Area 1, using the lancer, move behind the enemy tank, hit the radiator, move toward the objective.
  5. Same as above, destroy the enemy tank, move to the objective and capture it, using the sandbag (positioning must be perfect to do this)
  6. In Area 1, select your APC and move it to flag 2.
  7. Same as above
  8. Same as above, go to next area.
  9. In Area 1, deploy a sniper and kill any remaining infantry, withdraw.
  10. In Area 4, deploy a sniper and kill any incoming enemy infantry, withdraw.
  11. CP Saved for next phase.
  12. CP Saved for next phase.

Phase 3

  1. In Area 2, move your APC to the objective (flag 4)
  2. Same as above, go to next area.
  3. In Area 4, deploy Imca with Open Fire from the northeastern flag, approach the tank and enemy ace and bunker, destroy the bunker and damage the two tanks.
  4. In Area 4, deploy a lancer from the same flag, move next to Imca, destroy the enemy ace tank (Use Penetration if needed).
  5. Same as above, destroy the heavy tank.
  6. In Area 4, deploy a sniper to kill the enemy sniper, withdraw.
  7. In Area 4, deploy an Armored Tech to clear the bridge south of mines.
  8. In Area 4, move your APC south.
  9. In Area 3, deploy a sniper to defend the objective if needed, withdraw.
  10. 5 CP Saved for next phase

Phase 4

  1. Approach the objective, all enemies are killed.


Base Reward Enemy Ace Reward
EXP 20,000 Ace Drop 1 Looted Heavy-Machine Gun I-2
DCT 140,000 Ace Drop 2
Rank Rewards
S Rank EXP 40,000 S Rank DCT 280,000
A Rank EXP 28,000 A Rank DCT 196,000
B Rank EXP 20,000 B Rank DCT 140,000
C Rank EXP - C Rank DCT -
Additional Rewards
EXP for Leaders 1,600×N DCT for Leaders 11,200×N
EXP for Aces 10,000 DCT for Aces 70,000
EXP for Tanks 2,000×N DCT for Tanks 14,000×N
EXP for Key Targets 12,000×N DCT for Key Targets 84,000×N

v  e
Valkyria Chronicles 3 Mission List
Main Storyline Chapters
Ch. 1: 1a 1b 1c | Ch. 2: 2a 2b 2c 2d | 3a 3b 3c 3d | 4a 4b 4c | 5a 5b 5c

6a 6b 6c | 7a 7b 7c | 8a 8b 8c | 9a 9b 9c | 10a 10b 10c
11a 11b 11c | 12a 12b 12c | 13a 13b 13c | 14a 14b 14c | 15a 15b 15c
16a 16b | 17a 17b 17c | 18a 18b 18c | 19a 19b 19c | 20a 20b

2a 2b | 3a | 4a | 5a 5b | 6a | 7a | 8a | 9a 9b | 10a | 11a | 12a | 13a | 14a | 15a 15b | 16a | 17a | 18a | 19a | 20a |
Free (Postgame)
1a | 5a | 8a | 12a | 16a | 18a
Fragments Character Episodes
Ada & Cedric | Alfons | Amy & Deit | Annika | Carisa | Clarissa | Elliot | Felix | Frederica | Gisele
Giulio | Gloria | Gusurg | Ilmari | Imca | Kurt | Leila | Margit | Riela | Serge | Shin | Valerie | Zahar
Character Episodes (Postgame)
Avan, Zeri & Cosette | Leon & Juliana | Baldren, Audrey & Hubert | Squad 7 | Nameless | Kurt & Imca | Gusurg
Hard Missions 1
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Hard Missions 2
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
DLC Downloadable Content
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7a 7b 7c 7d | 8 | 9 | 10a 10b
Extra Missions
No grade: Extra 1 | Extra 2 | Extra 3 | Extra 4 | Extra 5 | Extra 6 | Extra 7 | Extra 8 | Extra 9

: Extra 1
★★★★: Extra 1 | Extra 2 | Extra 3 | Extra 4 | Extra 5 | Extra 6
★★★★★: Extra 1 | Extra 2 | Extra 3 | Extra 4 | Extra 5 | Extra 6
