Valkyria Wiki

Ecchi garr Ecchi garr 22 January 2013

Valkyria Chronicles Characters Join the Cast of Samurai & Dragons

Characters from Valkyria Chronicles will be joining the cast of Samurai & Dragons for the Playstation Vita.

The game includes cameos from many Sega series, such as characters from Sonic the Hedgehog and Bayonetta. Valkyria Chronicles will be a welcomed addition to the game and hopefully this is an indication of more Valkyria Chronicles news to come.


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Ecchi garr Ecchi garr 22 January 2013

Project x Zone Confirmed For The West

The 3DS game Project X Zone has had it's western release confirmed by Namco Bandai and has been given a provisional release date of "Summer 2013" for US and EU territories with a further release in AU territories later that year.

Various characters from the Valkyria Chronicles series make an appearance in the game including Kurt Irving, Riela Marcellis & Imca from Valkyria Chronicles 3 and fan favourite Selvaria Bles.

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Ecchi garr Ecchi garr 18 October 2011

Sega’s Aaron Webber:"All Hope is Not Lost."

Last week was an eventful one for the members of the Gallian Liberation Front.

The GLF's efforts to bring Valkyria Chronicles 3 to the West was dealt a significant blow early this week as Sega's team manager of the console sales team Hiroshi Seno confirmed that Sega had no plans to bring the game to the west in an interview with Gamespot.

However not all is lost, a little hope was given in a interview with Sega's Aaron Webber who not only knew of the Gallian Liberation Front's efforts but also had the following to say:

"All hope is not lost, I think this is the best way to look at this.
Keep at it, you never know what can happen in the future. It’s very open ended”

Victory may still be long way off, but not impossible.

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Ecchi garr Ecchi garr 19 September 2011

News FromThe Front

I've received word from our friends at the Gallian Liberation Front, asking me to relay the following message:

"We have 2 on going operations and 1 operation which was recently completed. The 2 ongoing
operations are for promotion purposes (spread the word)
while our 3rd one is a pre-mailing campaign at SEGA of America: this is our pre-emptive strike against

Check out the links provided below for details.

Mission 01 - Operation Hawkeye

Mission 02 - Operation Crimson Dawn (Phase 1)

Mission 03 - Operation Warden's Aegis (Phase 1)…

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Ecchi garr Ecchi garr 10 May 2011

Encyclopedia Europa

Welcome to the Encyclopedia Europa, the new name for the Valkyria Wikia!

In the site poll on the main page's talk page The Encyclopedia Europa won by 67% of the vote, with Valrchives coming a close second.

Thanks to everyone who voted!

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