Valkyria Wiki
Valkyria Wiki

I've only noticed the series for only about a week or so, and so far it looks good. At least from the videos and such I've read and watched. As from what I've gathered from each piece of fictional franchise, there are characters who don't contribute much and there are those who contribute to their universal settings in their own way whether it's charismatic, despicable, or eccentric. Anyway, this blog's about which main antagonist gives the series a good amount of credit.

To me, Maximilian (VC1) is brilliant and sympathetic with a good goal of earning his birthright, but is blind to people's feelings by his own narcissism. I'm actually considering writing a fan fiction about his relationship with the father who apparently shunned him. Whether it's short or long remains to be seen considering that the encyclopedia isn't very descriptive with appearances and such while the makers didn't even show the Emperor. No offense, of course. I'm sure I'll cope in good time. And as I said, I'm probably just going to write a one shot.

Baldren Gassenarl (VC2) is listed as the series's first complete monster on TV Tropes for being a patricidal, racist, murderous usurper, but I honestly feel like he's the next worst thing: a complete idiot. Of course, he may be smart, but his pride and sense of superiority kept him from realizing that to win a country, you must appeal to some of the natives and use outside help to win and ensure nothing bad happens in the aftermath, like Gilbert Gassenarl did. He did try to talk his father over to his side, but when he wouldn't budge, he pulled a Starscream which may have played some effect in the Gallian Revolutionary Army's defeat and forced him to, ironically, flee to the Atlantic Federation he so despised. From what I gather, he's an expy of Gihren Zabi from Mobile Suit Gundam, who's based on Hitler. Or Captain Ersatz according to the site. It's not that I don't find his character fascinating, but they probably should've worked harder in portraying the antagonists in that game. The possibility that they were rushed doesn't strike me as relevant. Then again, I'm not a Sega employee, yet. Yet again, I just looked up some book parts from a website that said that both Baldren, Gilbert, and Audrey Gassenarl (VC2) were just a little too misguided for their own goods.

I haven't seen much of Valkyria Chronicles 3, so I don't know enough about Dahau (VC3), but from what I gather, he's probably as sympathetic as Maximilian no matter how desperately unstable he becomes.

What do any of you think? And please write appropriately. Here's some blogs I made on DeviantArt for good measure. [1] [2]