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OP: Seizing Enemy Secrets

機密情報 単独奪取作戦

Grade ★★★★★
Terrain Mine
Area Effect Ragnite
Number of units 1: Imca
CP Start 5(+1), 5(+1) per turn
SP 3
Turns for S rank 5
Objectives Imca reaches target location
Failure conditions Imca is defeated
Morale 0
20 turns pass
Enemy vehicles Combat-APC-A
Enemy officers Trooper Elite
Enemy ace(s) Sgt. Ogre
Ace Location Area 4


Mission Briefing[]

OP Seizing Enemy Secrets Map


OP Seizing Enemy Secrets Area 1 OP Seizing Enemy Secrets Area 4

Equip Imca with the Tank Vest and make her a leader. Deploy her as a Lancer Veteran or higher. Give her Double Movement if possible. Phase 1

  1. Move to Area 1
  2. Move forward and kill the enemy gunner, keep moving forward
  3. Open Fire, move slightly north of the APC, and kill all 4 units directly south, then move south
  4. Continue moving around the corner, try to trigger double movement
  5. Continue moving around the corner, try to trigger double movement
  6. Continue moving north, try to trigger double movement.

Phase 2

  1. Move back to Area 4 by using the second conveyor belt.
  2. Use Open Fire on Imca in Area 4 and head out of the shaft, aiming at the APC and Heavy Gunner along with the Ace.
  3. Move forward and hit the Ace
  4. Kill the ace, continue to the objective (if double movement triggers you will reach it)
  5. Continue to objective (if double movement triggers you will reach it)
  6. Use Open Fire on Imca for the AP refresh, reach objective

Note If the Ace shows up in Area 1 you should be able to kill it there as well, 2 turns required shouldn't change. Note If you do not have double movement it may require 3 phases to complete. Spend an extra phase in Area 1, do not attempt to start Area 4 without having most of your AP as the Phase 2 strategy does not clear the map (while the Phase 1 path should clear the map of enemies)


Base Reward Enemy Ace Reward
EXP 12,500 Ace Drop 1 砲塔開発計画001 (Tank Blueprint 001)
DCT 72,000 Ace Drop 2 ZM-MPA
Rank Rewards
S Rank EXP 25,000 S Rank DCT 144,000
A Rank EXP 17,500 A Rank DCT 100,800
B Rank EXP 12,500 B Rank DCT 72,000
C Rank EXP - C Rank DCT -
Additional Rewards
EXP for Leaders 1,000×N DCT for Leaders 5,760×N
EXP for Aces 6,250 DCT for Aces 36,000
EXP for Tanks 1,250×N DCT for Tanks 7,200×N
EXP for Key Targets 7,500×N DCT for Key Targets 43,200×N


This is a free mission


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Valkyria Chronicles 3 Mission List
Main Storyline Chapters
Ch. 1: 1a 1b 1c | Ch. 2: 2a 2b 2c 2d | 3a 3b 3c 3d | 4a 4b 4c | 5a 5b 5c

6a 6b 6c | 7a 7b 7c | 8a 8b 8c | 9a 9b 9c | 10a 10b 10c
11a 11b 11c | 12a 12b 12c | 13a 13b 13c | 14a 14b 14c | 15a 15b 15c
16a 16b | 17a 17b 17c | 18a 18b 18c | 19a 19b 19c | 20a 20b

2a 2b | 3a | 4a | 5a 5b | 6a | 7a | 8a | 9a 9b | 10a | 11a | 12a | 13a | 14a | 15a 15b | 16a | 17a | 18a | 19a | 20a |
Free (Postgame)
1a | 5a | 8a | 12a | 16a | 18a
Fragments Character Episodes
Ada & Cedric | Alfons | Amy & Deit | Annika | Carisa | Clarissa | Elliot | Felix | Frederica | Gisele
Giulio | Gloria | Gusurg | Ilmari | Imca | Kurt | Leila | Margit | Riela | Serge | Shin | Valerie | Zahar
Character Episodes (Postgame)
Avan, Zeri & Cosette | Leon & Juliana | Baldren, Audrey & Hubert | Squad 7 | Nameless | Kurt & Imca | Gusurg
Hard Missions 1
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Hard Missions 2
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
DLC Downloadable Content
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7a 7b 7c 7d | 8 | 9 | 10a 10b
Extra Missions
No grade: Extra 1 | Extra 2 | Extra 3 | Extra 4 | Extra 5 | Extra 6 | Extra 7 | Extra 8 | Extra 9

: Extra 1
★★★★: Extra 1 | Extra 2 | Extra 3 | Extra 4 | Extra 5 | Extra 6
★★★★★: Extra 1 | Extra 2 | Extra 3 | Extra 4 | Extra 5 | Extra 6
