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Mission List[]

Mission HQ Level Description Reward
プロフィール 2 Edit your profile message. Go to メニュー → プロフィール and edit the message in the bottom left box of your profile. 100TP
施設1 2 Upgrade Terminal (ターミナル) to Lv2 500Foods VCDuel 500Iron VCDuel 500Ragnite VCDuel
施設2 2 Upgrade Foods VCDuel Income to Lv2 500Foods VCDuel 300Iron VCDuel 300Ragnite VCDuel
施設3 2 Upgrade Iron VCDuel Income to Lv2 300Foods VCDuel 500Iron VCDuel 300Ragnite VCDuel
施設4 2 Upgrade Ragnite VCDuel Income to Lv2 300Foods VCDuel 300Iron VCDuel 500Ragnite VCDuel
施設5 2 Upgrade Material Warehouse (資材倉庫) to Lv2 800Foods VCDuel 800Iron VCDuel 800Ragnite VCDuel
施設6 2 Upgrade Headquarter (本部) to Lv3 5x Small Small Fuel Can - Recover 10 fuel points
連合1 2 Join a coalition that has 5 or more members 2000Foods VCDuel 2000Iron VCDuel 2000Ragnite VCDuel
勝利の積み重ね1 2 Fought and won 5 battles 5x Small Small Fuel Can - Recover 10 fuel points
総戦闘力1 2 Total Combat Strength exceeds 8000 200TP
通信文 2 Send a private message to another player and receive his reply 4000DCT
昇進1 Promoted to 1st Lieutenant 150GP
GPの使用 3 Buy an item using GP 300GP
アイテムの使用 3 Use any item 5000DCT
施設7 3 Build any one of the eight training areas 800Foods VCDuel 800Iron VCDuel 800Ragnite VCDuel
連合2 3 Write something on your coalition's profile 100TP
カード合成1 3 Have at least one Lv5 card 6000DCT
総戦闘力2 3 Total Combat Strength exceeds 10000 400TP
勝利の積み重ね2 3 Fought and won 10 battles 8x Small Small Fuel Can - Recover 10 fuel points
ボスバトル 3 Join a Boss Battle 1x Small Small Ammunition Box - Recover 1 ammunition points
施設8 3 Upgrade Headquarter (本部) to Lv4 500TP
施設9 4 Build a Fuel Storage (燃料庫) 3000Foods VCDuel 3000Iron VCDuel 3000Ragnite VCDuel
部隊編成1 4 Assign a card that has Potential to one of your Officer cards 300TP
カード合成2 4 Have at least one Lv10 card 10000DCT
連合3 4 Reply to a thread in your Coalition's bulletin board. The thread must be created by the Leader beforehand. 200TP
敬礼1 4 Send a salutation to a member of your Coalition. Go to 連合メニュー → メンバーリスト and click 敬礼する! next to the person you want to salute. This process can be repeated once per day to each person and both will receive a number of TP depending on your Coalition's "salutation level". The more members of your coalition salute each other, the faster "salutation level" will increase. 1000Foods VCDuel 1000Iron VCDuel 1000Ragnite VCDuel
陣営への貢献1 4 Acquire more than 2000 Control Points 1x Full Full Fuel Can - Recover all fuel points
施設10 4 Upgrade Headquarter (本部) to Lv5 1000TP
施設11 5 Build a Explosive Warehouse (爆薬庫) 4000Foods VCDuel 4000Iron VCDuel 4000Ragnite VCDuel
部隊編成2 5 Assign a card that has Order as leader. 500TP
総戦闘力3 5 Total Combat Strength exceeds 12000. 500TP
神出鬼没1 5 Take part in battles acress 5 different areas. 4500Foods VCDuel 4500Iron VCDuel 4500Ragnite VCDuel
連合4 5 The leader of your coalition appoints a second-in-command. 16000DCT
施設12 6 Build a Control point research lab (制圧研究所). 5000Foods VCDuel 5000Iron VCDuel 5000Ragnite VCDuel
カード合成3 6 Level up a Card's Potential to Lv2. 600TP
カード合成4 6 Level up a Card's Order to Lv2. 700TP
連合5 6 Join a coalition that has 10 or more members. 6000Foods VCDuel 6000Iron VCDuel 6000Ragnite VCDuel
施設13 7 Build a Facility storage (施設収納庫). 6000Foods VCDuel 6000Iron VCDuel 6000Ragnite VCDuel
カード合成5 7 Have at least three Lv5 cards . 18000DCT
総戦闘力4 7 Total Combat Strength exceeds 15000. 1000TP
勝利の積み重ね3 7 Win 50 battles. 1x 7 days Increase Fuel capacity for 7 days
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