Valkyria Wiki
Mash the Haunted
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Mash, in the aftermath of an unpleasant encounter with the Centurion's cannons.
Affiliation East Europan Imperial Alliance
Unit Class Sniper-insignia Sniper
Weapon Drop ZM SG X(e)

Mash the Haunted (千人狩りマシター Sen-ri kari mashitā?) is a Sniper Paragon Ace found in Valkyria Chronicles 4. He is the final form of recurring Ace Mash the Hunter, promoted all the way up to a level 35 Sniper Paragon. He is encountered in the second Challenge Skirmish.


Mash is stationed on a rocky outcropping overlooking the central area where Crymaria Levin and Vulcan Procus start out, and is visible from the start of the level. He starts out crouching in cover, he essentially never misses, and his rifle is deadly. The sheer amount of enemy firepower concentrated in the level coupled with two souped-up boss enemies makes getting to him a nightmare, particularly since any such attempt requires the player to leave at least one of the bosses alive while their units work their way to him.

Unfortunately for him, the optimal strategy for this mission requires that the Hafen move forward to fire a smoke round at Crymaria, and at this point Mash is within range of the Ship Order "Bombardment." This goes about as well for him as one would expect it to.

Stats and equipment[]

Mash the Haunted-card

Has 15 total defense.


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ZM SG X(e)

Defeating him rewards the player with a ZM SG X(e), the highest-level anti-infantry Ace sniper rifle. It is just as accurate as the top-level LF Wasp while dealing far more damage, though it has inferior range.

It is less powerful and shorter-ranged but more accurate than the version Mash uses, not that his rifle's accuracy matters to him when his innate accuracy stat is 100.

It also benefits from an excellent level of zoom: it is about as powerful without Eagle Eye triggering as an LF-ASR No. 10 is when Eagle Eye does trigger.

Equipment Aim Range vs Pers vs Armor Shots Ammo Area Effect
ZM SG X(e) B+ 800 215 90 1 3 X -
Intercept Fire C 700 130 60 1 X -


  • His Japanese title is more along the lines of "hunter of a thousand people."
  • His level only being 35 is a little odd given the normal Sniper Paragons in this mission are level 40.
  • The model for the ZM SG X(e) is also used for the ZM SG X2(e).
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Imperial Aces
Scout Thane the Cadet | Zuko the Prophet | Field Agent Mors | Inspector Muratus | Supersonic Marath | Xeda the Operator | Secret Agent Saki | Keel the Chiliarch | Yorde the Poet | Quil the Gunsmith | Instructor Zenas | Kaye the Traitor | Calavera the Keen | Vice Chief Chemis | Investigator Ichas | Iron Wall Cattady |
Shocktrooper Volatile Monamor | Larz the Reaper | Roaring Chanitz | Chienö the Raider | Comrade Harasky | Yümad the Blade | The Kill Sergeant | Nox the Listener | Gambit Zanatos | Tavyse the Beast | Ty the Immortal | Hummel the Pyro | The Blood Knight | Valiant Condor | Macho Tavaciel
Lancer Tankbuster Nämy | Zivilyn the Bane | Toma the Magus | Duke Allibert | Captain Terror | Aizer the Bulwark | Loverboy Wagner | Unsinkable Énder | Warlord Kobatak
Sniper Hawkeye Iris | Mash the Hunter | Killstreak Meier | Ixa the Medi-Killer | Mash the Hunted | Nix the Marksman | Mash the Haunted | Solitary Zahl | Ino the Crafty | Gouache the Blitz
Grenadier Kajmir the Watcher | Cova the Peacock | Hirz the Demoman | Maht the Mechanic | Tucker the Heavy | Fucasa the Artist | Kanz the Acolyte | Machere the Wily | Kent, War Reporter
Tank Tank Officer Arker | Lucky Seitz | Commandant Zorg | Ette of the Icefield | Matz the Cleaner | Colonel Hale