Valkyria Wiki
Hawkeye Iris
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Vancey Fioré drunkenly outmanoeuvres Hawkeye Iris.
Affiliation East Europan Imperial Alliance
Unit Class Sniper-insignia Sniper
Weapon Drop ZM SG 1(e)

Hawkeye Iris (鷹の目イリス Taka no me irisu?) is the first Sniper Ace found in Valkyria Chronicles 4. He is found guarding one of the Imperial camps in the battle mission Breaking the Line 3.


Iris is found guarding the top-left camp as seen in Command Mode, and is guarded by two Scouts on the left (with a Mine placed on the path to the right of the first Scout) and by a Gatling Gun on the left side. He is positioned behind sandbags, but is not crouching.

He is facing the approach with the Scouts, but since he is only a regular Sniper he will not turn to follow characters that move within his line of sight, so it is a simple matter to have a Scout or Shocktrooper walk behind him and shoot him. Working through his rather formidable defenses is a much greater task than actually killing him.

It is also readily possible to kill him with a Grenadier, but given the Vulcan is in this mission it is likely the player's Grenadiers will be a little preoccupied.

Stats and equipment[]


Has 5 total defense.


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ZM SG 1(e)

Defeating him rewards the player with a ZM SG 1(e), a low-level Imperial sniper rifle. It is just as accurate as his version and deals far more damage, at the cost of decreased range.

Like all captured Imperial sniper rifles, it trades range and accuracy for greater vs Pers hitting power: this is of limited practical use since a Sniper will typically be aiming for headshots anyway.

Note: intercept fire is only available for Sniper Elites (level 11 and above), this stat will not appear before then.

Equipment Aim Range vs Pers vs Armor Shots Ammo Area Effect
ZM SG 1(e) C 450 155 50 1 3 X -
Intercept Fire D 400 100 30 1 X -
v  e
Imperial Aces
Scout Thane the Cadet | Zuko the Prophet | Field Agent Mors | Inspector Muratus | Supersonic Marath | Xeda the Operator | Secret Agent Saki | Keel the Chiliarch | Yorde the Poet | Quil the Gunsmith | Instructor Zenas | Kaye the Traitor | Calavera the Keen | Vice Chief Chemis | Investigator Ichas | Iron Wall Cattady |
Shocktrooper Volatile Monamor | Larz the Reaper | Roaring Chanitz | Chienö the Raider | Comrade Harasky | Yümad the Blade | The Kill Sergeant | Nox the Listener | Gambit Zanatos | Tavyse the Beast | Ty the Immortal | Hummel the Pyro | The Blood Knight | Valiant Condor | Macho Tavaciel
Lancer Tankbuster Nämy | Zivilyn the Bane | Toma the Magus | Duke Allibert | Captain Terror | Aizer the Bulwark | Loverboy Wagner | Unsinkable Énder | Warlord Kobatak
Sniper Hawkeye Iris | Mash the Hunter | Killstreak Meier | Ixa the Medi-Killer | Mash the Hunted | Nix the Marksman | Mash the Haunted | Solitary Zahl | Ino the Crafty | Gouache the Blitz
Grenadier Kajmir the Watcher | Cova the Peacock | Hirz the Demoman | Maht the Mechanic | Tucker the Heavy | Fucasa the Artist | Kanz the Acolyte | Machere the Wily | Kent, War Reporter
Tank Tank Officer Arker | Lucky Seitz | Commandant Zorg | Ette of the Icefield | Matz the Cleaner | Colonel Hale