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The Intersecting Frontlines (交差する戦線)
Terrain Floating City
Time of day Daytime
Area Effect None
Number of units 9: 9 empty slots
CP Start 7, 7 per turn
SP 0
Turns for S rank 6
Objectives Occupy main enemy base camp
Failure conditions Special Target is destroyed,
Morale 0 / All allied units are defeated,
20 turns pass
Enemy vehicles Light Tank A, Medium Tank B, Heavy Tank B, Combat APC-A
Enemy officers Combat APC-A
Enemy ace(s) Tank3-insignia Miracle Seitz(奇跡のサイト)

The Intersecting Frontlines is an extra mission unlocked after clearing The Other Cardinal Borgia Escort Operation DLC.

Mission Briefing[]

The Intersecting Frontlines Map
The tank company of Calamity Raven is surging to the drawbridge locating critical site.

In order to maintain the front line, military ordered to respond with all strength.

Occupy main enemy base camp in Area 1, while defending the Special Targets in Area 5, which serves as supply base for your squad.

The Intersecting Frontlines Map




The Intersecting Frontlines Map Area 1 The Intersecting Frontlines Map Area 2 The Intersecting Frontlines Map Area 3 The Intersecting Frontlines Map Area 5


Base Reward Enemy Ace Reward
EXP 19,000 Ace Drop 1 Gun Parts Sieg
DCT 27,800 Ace Drop 2 None
Rank Rewards
S Rank EXP 38,000 S Rank DCT 55,600
A Rank EXP 26,600 A Rank DCT 38,920
B Rank EXP 19,000 B Rank DCT 27,800
C Rank EXP - C Rank DCT -
Additional Rewards
EXP for Leaders 1,520×N DCT for Leaders 2,224×N
EXP for Aces 9,500 DCT for Aces 13,900
EXP for Tanks 1,900×N DCT for Tanks 2,780×N
EXP for Key Targets 11,400×N DCT for Key Targets 16,680×N
v  e
Valkyria Chronicles 3 Mission List
Main Storyline Chapters
Ch. 1: 1a 1b 1c | Ch. 2: 2a 2b 2c 2d | 3a 3b 3c 3d | 4a 4b 4c | 5a 5b 5c

6a 6b 6c | 7a 7b 7c | 8a 8b 8c | 9a 9b 9c | 10a 10b 10c
11a 11b 11c | 12a 12b 12c | 13a 13b 13c | 14a 14b 14c | 15a 15b 15c
16a 16b | 17a 17b 17c | 18a 18b 18c | 19a 19b 19c | 20a 20b

2a 2b | 3a | 4a | 5a 5b | 6a | 7a | 8a | 9a 9b | 10a | 11a | 12a | 13a | 14a | 15a 15b | 16a | 17a | 18a | 19a | 20a |
Free (Postgame)
1a | 5a | 8a | 12a | 16a | 18a
Fragments Character Episodes
Ada & Cedric | Alfons | Amy & Deit | Annika | Carisa | Clarissa | Elliot | Felix | Frederica | Gisele
Giulio | Gloria | Gusurg | Ilmari | Imca | Kurt | Leila | Margit | Riela | Serge | Shin | Valerie | Zahar
Character Episodes (Postgame)
Avan, Zeri & Cosette | Leon & Juliana | Baldren, Audrey & Hubert | Squad 7 | Nameless | Kurt & Imca | Gusurg
Hard Missions 1
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Hard Missions 2
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
DLC Downloadable Content
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7a 7b 7c 7d | 8 | 9 | 10a 10b
Extra Missions
No grade: Extra 1 | Extra 2 | Extra 3 | Extra 4 | Extra 5 | Extra 6 | Extra 7 | Extra 8 | Extra 9

: Extra 1
★★★★: Extra 1 | Extra 2 | Extra 3 | Extra 4 | Extra 5 | Extra 6
★★★★★: Extra 1 | Extra 2 | Extra 3 | Extra 4 | Extra 5 | Extra 6
