Valkyria Wiki
A Castle in Darkness
Grade ★★★
Area Effect Mist
Number of units 6
CP Start 8, 8 per turn
Turns for S rank 4
Failure conditions Allied base camp captured
10 turns pass
Morale 0
All infantry defeated
Enemy vehicles Tank-insigniaLight Tank C
Tank-insigniaMedium Tank A
Fixed-weapon-insigniaGatling Turret
Enemy officers Sniper-insigniaSniper
Sniper-insigniaAnti-Tank Sniper
Enemy ace(s) Tank-insigniaOchran the Mover
Ace Location Area 3 [B5]


Remaining pockets of rebel troops are gathering at an old castle in Leanbuff Forest.

Capture the enemy base camp in Area 5 within 10 turns.


  • The ace has a Artillery Turret that has a machine gun with high VsPsnl.
  • If you are planning on deploying in Area 3 after turn 1, you may have to clear your own base camp first. This is because the cursor will ALWAYS point to the enemy (covering up the base camp symbol)


Base Reward
EXP 92,651
DCT 53,117
Weapon Parts Gun Parts Pistol Mchnsm D
Enemy Ace Reward
Weapon Plan Plan VC2 Tu012
Ace Drop 1 Artillery Turret Icon Cptd Art Gtl B4
Ace Drop 2 Gun Parts Asgar g3
Plywood LV4 Plywood A Lv4
Plywood LV4 Plywood B Lv4
Rare Metal LV3 Rare Metal B Lv3
Rare Metal LV3 Rare Metal C Lv3
Plywood LV4 Plywood C Lv4
Plywood LV4 Plywood D Lv4
Copper LV3 Copper A Lv3
Copper LV3 Copper B Lv3
Copper LV3 Copper D Lv3
Special Units Bonus
Rare Metal LV3 Rare Metal C Lv3
Copper LV3 Copper C Lv3
Copper LV3 Copper D Lv3
Plywood LV5 Plywood V Lv5
Copper LV3 Copper B Lv3
Plywood LV4 Plywood D Lv4
Rare Metal LV3 Rare Metal D Lv3
Plywood LV4 Plywood A Lv4
Plywood LV4 Plywood C Lv4
Rare Metal LV3 Rare Metal B Lv3
Captured All Base Camps Bonus
Plywood LV4 Plywood A Lv4
Rare Metal LV3 Rare Metal D Lv3
Plywood LV5 Plywood V Lv5
Plywood LV4 Plywood C Lv4
Plywood LV4 Plywood D Lv4
Rare Metal LV3 Rare Metal C Lv3
Copper LV3 Copper A Lv3
Plywood LV4 Plywood B Lv4
Copper LV3 Copper B Lv3
Copper LV3 Copper D Lv3
Rare Metal LV3 Rare Metal B Lv3


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